SSL Birthday Reminder for Linux Users

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SSL Birthday

After a long time of waiting was launched the first version of the application with a graphical interface for linux users that reminds the birthdays. Unfortunately, now is available only the Birthday Checker which runs at the OS startup, checks if there is a birthday in the near future, and informs user about it. The contacts list must be edited manually or with the Windows version of SS Birthday Reminder. The final version of the project will come with the Birhday Manager to edit the contacts list, manage the customizable options and generate the reports, but you will have to wait the next versions for that. However now the basic function, that is reminding the birthdays is finished and you can use it today. Happy reminding!

A couple of screenshots showing SSL Birthday Reminder in action:

You have a birthday (message window in the center of the screen):

You will have soon a birthday (popup in the right-bottom corner of the screen):

The default template of the file which contains the contacts list is:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <Nume>First Name Here</Nume>
    <Prenume>Middle Name Here</Prenume>
    <Nick>Nickname Here</Nick>
    <Ziua>Birth Date</Ziua>
    <Luna>Birth Month</Luna>
    <Anul>Birth Year</Anul>
    <Icq>Icq Number</Icq>
    <TelMob>Mobile Phone Number</TelMob>
To edit the contacts list you can use Windows version of SS Birthday Reminder or you can edit it manually. It's prety simple to edit the contacts manually. The data is kept in a textual file in XML format, so it can be easily opened with a textual editor for editing. To add a new contact, just copy one of the existing contacts and edit it's new information. The format of a tag that contains a value must be <Tag>Value</Tag>. Below you'll find the list of tags and their description.
Important: The tags order should be exact as in the example. All the tags are required.

Tags description:
Nume - First Name
Prenume - Middle Name
Patronimic - Last Name
Nick - Nickname
Ziua - Birth Date
Luna - Birth Month
Anul - Birth Year
Icq - Icq Number
Email - Email
TelFix - Home Phone
TelMob - Mobile Phone
TelWork - Work Phone
AlteDate - Other data

If you have any questions feel free to contact us using contact form.

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